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Year Established : 1985

My Value Trade, with its flexible system, provides simplified trading platform to all the budding and experienced traders. Trade with confidence when you can avail the best brokerage plan as per your trading style. Experience the ultimate power and ease of trading because MVT's single trading software is designed to support everything from day trading in all segments coupled with tools for real time reports.

We are the pioneers of the broking industry providing a single login and password for trading, backoffice reports, analytics, demat a/c reports, funds payin/payout, stock payin/payout etc. With our links with 45 major banks, we are able to transact with the bank, our client already has an account with.

Such flexible features help us to make phenomenon turnovers, and maintain an impeccable track record since 1985. So, join and utilize India's leading trading platform!

Tags :   Online Stock Market  

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