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Monday to Friday : 09:30-19:30
Saturday : 09:30-07:00

Year Established : 2012

Glasxperts is a full service offering from AIS that brings together an integrated approach and specialised knowledge to glass consultancy, product selection and installation to transform living and commercial space.It is a leader in providing lifestyle solutions in glass architecture, whose offerings span across Privacy, Aesthetic, Window, Security, Acoustic and Energy-efficiency solutions.

Befitting its status as one of theproviders of 360 degree solutions, starting with expert and customised guidance for product selection and purchase, site assessment and consultation, installation, project management, and post-installation support, Glasxperts aims to provide a hassle-free experience during the process of decision making, delivery and installation of glass and allied products & services with world class quality control at each stage of the value chain, having a trained set of skilled technicians. Glasxperts also firmly believe in conducting business in an ethical manner with correct and transparent pricing.

GX's Mission is to ensure a Best-in-Glass experience for their consumers
With major investments in place, the time is now to reap the benefits by providing 360 degree solutions.

Acoustic Glass Solution
Security Glass
Energy Efficient Glass
Shower cubicles
Sliding System
Smart Glass
Spider Glazing
Balcony Glass rooms

Tags :   Acoustic Glass Solution   Security Glass   Energy Efficient Glass   Aesthetic   Privacy   Shower Cubicles   Skylight   Sliding System   Smart Glass   Spider Glazing   Staircase   Balcony Glass Rooms  
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